Scholarship Opportunity offers scholarship opportunities that can help contribute to your higher educator aspirations. See the link below for more information.
FTLC Materials Return (grades 1-8) Please see attached file for information on returning your materials to campus (textbooks and Chromebooks), and the yearbook order form.
Yearbook Order Form Please print this form, fill it out, and bring it to campus when you return your materials (Seniors-May 21st, HHJCPHS 9-11-May 27th, FTLC-May 28th), along with your payment (cash or check).
Information on Graduates Walking the Stage-May 22 Please see the file below for information about seniors walking the stage on May 22nd.
HHJCPHS SENIORS AND SENIOR PARENTS See the attached "Save the Date" regarding graduation. More details to follow!
Student Login Resource Please see the attached file for help logging in to the many resources we use for instruction at HHJ/FTLC.
HHJCPHS Project Week Each semester, students at HHJCPHS have the opportunity to take part in some phenomenal learning challenges during Project Week.